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  • Polianthes Flowers - Polianthes tuberosa is a timeless green plants of the tribe Agavaceae. Oil from the flowers used in making perfume. Tuberosa name indicates that this pla...
    14 years ago
  • Tips for Car Rider - What can you do if your car broke down the middle of the journey. If close to the garage passable i think. But, what if it happened far from the garage. Yo...
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  • Health Effect By Smoking - lthough the negative health effects of cigarette smoking cannot be debated, it remains the single most common cause of preventable deaths. Each year, ove...
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nasi Timbel

Resep Nasi Timbel
Pelengkap resep:
Rempeyek kacang tanah.
Tahu-tempe bacem goreng.

Resep Bahan Nasi Timbel:
1 liter beras, cuci bersih.
1 liter air, didihkan.
Daun pisang secukupnya, untuk membungkus.

Cara Membuat Resep:
1. Kukus beras selama 35 menit. Angkat.
2. Tuangkan beras ke dalam mangkuk cekung, kemudian siram dengan air mendidih.
Biarkan sampai air terserap.
3. Kukus beras dalam panci pengukus sampai matang.
4. Ambil selembar daun pisang yang telah dilayukan dengan api.
5. Panas-panas bungkus nasi sambil dipadatkan.

Resep ini untuk 5 porsi.
Selamat menikmati resep Nasi timbel ini.